Saturday, October 28, 2017

Online Notes on Chapter = 6 ( life processes) Part 2

Chapter = 6 ( life processes)This is Online Notes on Chapter = 6 ( life processes)  Part 2 for 
preparation of CBSE BOARD Examination, NTSE etc.


Respiration involves :

(i) Gaseous exchange : 
Intake of oxygen from the atmosphere and release of CO2 → Breathing

(ii) Breakdown of simple food in order to release energy inside the cell → Cellular respiration

Breakdown of Glucose by Various Pathways:

Breakdown of Glucose by Various Pathways

Human Respiratory System:

Passage of air through the respiratory system :

Mechanism of Breathing

Exchange of gases between alveolus, blood and tissues:

(i) Air (rich in O2) → Blood → Binds with haemoglobin in RBC → O2 is released in (in alveolus) (through blood vessels) tissues

(ii) CO2 → Released in blood → Dissolved in blood → Blood vessels → Released in alveolar sac → Sent out through nostrils (from tissue) (in alveoli)

Terrestial organisms : Use atmospheric oxygen for respiration

Aquatic organisms : Use dissolved oxygen for respiration

Respiration in plants:

Respiration in plants is simpler than the respiration in animals. Gaseous exchange occur through :

(a) Stomata in leaves

(b) Lenticels in stems

(c) General surface of the root Transportation

Human beings like other multicellular organism need regular supply of food, oxygen etc.

This function is performed by circulatory system.

The circulatory system

Direction of blood flow through human heart

Pulmonary Circulation : Blood moves from the heart to the lungs and back to the heart.

• Systemic Circulation : Blood moves from the heart to rest of the body and back to the heart.

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