Saturday, May 12, 2018

Practice Questions on Chapter=7 (Control and Coordination)

Practice Questions on Chapter=7 (Control and Coordination) These are Online Practice Questions on NCERT  Chapter =  7 (Control and Coordination)  for preparation of CBSE BOARD Examination, NTSE etc.



1. Where is auxin synthesized in plants ?
2. Which gland is known as master gland ?
3. Name the hormone that regulates blood sugar level.
4. What is synapse ?
5. What are tropic movements ?
6. Which part of the brain is responsible for maintaining posture and balance of our
body ?
7. Which hormone has inhibiting effects on growth of plants ?

8. What is phototropism ?
9. What are the components of central nervous system ?
10. What happens at synapse between two neurons ?


1. Draw a labelled diagram of neuron.
2. What is reflex arc ? Explain with the help of flow chart.
3. What is the cause of diabetes ? How it can be controlled ?
4. Why is it advisable to use iodised salt ?
5. What are sensory and motor neurons ? Write their functions.
6. Why is Abscisic acid called as stress hormone ?
7. What is the need for a system of control and coordination in an organization ?


1. What are plant hormones ? Name a plant hormone that promotes growth in plants.
2. What is the significance of tropic movements in plants ? Explain any two types of
tropic movements.
3. Which hormone is known as emergency hormone in our body ? How it helps in coping
during emergency ?
4. Where are different receptors present in our body ? What are their functions ?


1. Draw a labelled diagram of human brain and state the functions of its different parts.
2. What are hormones ? Give the name of associated gland and functions of different
animal hormones.
3. What is feedback mechanism ? Explain its working with the help of one example.
4. (a) How brain and spinal cord are protected ?
(b) What are the different parts of human nervous system ?
(c) What are the limitations of nervous system ?


Rahul’s aunt is obese. She is very fond of eating sweets and junk food. She feels very
thirsty and passes excess of urine. She got herself examined by the doctor. Doctor told

her not to eat sweet things and exercise regularly. He prescribed some medicines also.
9. What are the components of central nervous system ?
10. What happens at synapse between two neurons ?

Online Notes on Chapter=7 (Control and Coordination) Part 1

This is Online Notes on Chapter=7 (Control and Coordination)  Part 1 for preparation of CBSE BOARD Examination, NTSE etc.

• All the living organisms respond and react to changes in the environment around them.

• The changes in the environment to which the organisms respond and react are called Stimuli such as light, heat, cold, sound, smell, touch etc.

• Both plants and animals respond to stimuli but in a different manner. Control and Coordination in Animals

It is brought about in all animals with the help of two main systems:

(a) Nervous system

(b) Endocrine system


• Control and coordination are provided by nervous and muscular tissues.
• Nervous tissue is made up of an organized network of nerve cells or neurons, and is specialized for conducting information via electrical impulses from one part of the body to another.

Receptors : Are specialized tips of some nerve cells that detect the information from the environment. These receptors are located in our sense organs.

(a) Ear : 
• Phonoreceptors

• Hearing

• Balance of the body

(b) Eyes :

• Photoreceptors

• Seeing

(c) Skin :

• Thermoreceptors

• Heat or cold

• Touch

(d) Nose :

• Olfactory receptors

• Smell detection

(e) Tongue :

• Gustatory receptors

• Taste detection

Neuron : It is the structural and functional unit of nervous system.

Parts of Neuron :

(a) Dendrite : Acquires information.

(b) Cell body : Acquired information travels as an electrical impulse.

(c) Axon : Longest fibre on the cell body is called axon. It transmits electrical impulse from cell body to dendrite of next neuron.

Synapse : It is the gap between the nerve ending of one neuron and dendrite of the other neuron. Here electrical signal is converted into chemical signal for onward transmission.


Reflex action is quick, sudden and immediate response of

Reflex arc : The pathway through which nerve impulses pass during reflex action is called Reflex Arc.

Reflex arc

Response : Responses are of three main types :

(a) Voluntary : Controlled by fore brain. E.g., talking, writing.

(b) Involuntary : Controlled by mid and hind brain. E.g., heart beat, vomiting, respiration.

(c) Reflex action : Controlled by spinal cord. E.g., withdrawal of hand on touching a hot object.

Need of Reflex Actions : In some situations such as touching a hot object, pinching etc. 
we need to act quickly, otherwise our body would be harmed. Here response is generated from spinal cord instead of brain.
Need of Reflex Actions


Brain is the main coordinating centre of the body. It has three major parts :

(a) Fore-brain (b) Mid-brain (c) Hind-brain

(a) Fore-brain : It is the most complex or specialized part of the brain. It consists of cerebrum.

Functions :

(i) Thinking part of the brain.

(ii) Control the voluntary actions.

(iii)Store information (Memory).

(iv) Receives sensory impulses from various parts of the body and integrate it.

(v) Centre associated with hunger.

(b) Mid-brain : Controls involuntary actions such as :

• Change in pupil size.

• Reflex movements of head, neck and trunk.

(c) Hind-brain : It has three parts :

 (i) Cerebellum : Controls posture and balance. Precision of              voluntary actions e.g., picking pen.

 (ii) Medulla : Controls involuntary actions e.g., blood pressure,        salivation, vomiting.

(iii) Pons : Involuntary actions, regulation of respiration.

Protection of Brain and Spinal Cord:

(a) Brain : Brain is protected by a fluid filled balloon which acts as shock absorber and is enclosed in cranium (skull or brain box).

(b) Spinal Cord : Spinal cord is enclosed in vertebral column.

Coordination between Nervous and Muscular Tissue:

Coordination between Nervous and Muscular Tissue

Limitations of Electric communication/Nervous system :

(a) Electric impulse will reach only to those cells that are connected by nervous tissue.

(b) After generation and transmission of an electrical impulse, the cell takes some time to reset its mechanism before transmitting another impulse. So cells cannot continually create and transmit impulse.

(c) Plants do not have any nervous system.

Chemical communication: To overcome the limitations of electric communication.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Notes on NCERT Chapter = 7 (DIVERSITY IN LIVING ORGANISMS) Part 4 => 9th class

Notes on NCERT  Chapter =  7 (DIVERSITY IN LIVING ORGANISMS) Part 4 => 9th classThis is Online Notes on NCERT Chapter =   7 (DIVERSITY IN LIVING ORGANISMS) Part 4 of 9th class for preparation of CBSE BOARD Examination, NTSE etc.

Phylum 8 : Hemichordata

(i) Small group of marine animals
(ii) Cylindrical, bilateral symmetry, triploblastic
(iii) Coelom present

(iv) Gills for respiration
(v) Examples : Balanoglossus

Phylum 9 : Chordata

(i) Bilateral symmetry, triploblastic
(ii) Coelom present
(iii) Notochord
(iv) Gills present at some phase of life
(v) Dorsal nerve chord
(vi) Post anal tail present at some stage of life, for example, present in humans in embryonic stages

(vii) Sub-divided into two :

     (a) Prochordata

• Notochord at some stage of life
• Marine
• Examples : Herdemania, amphioxus

    (b) Vertebrata

• Notochord converted to vertebral column
• 2, 3, 4 chambered heart
• Organs like kidney for excretion
• Pair appendages
Examples : Humans (4-chambered), frog (3-chambered),
fishes (2-chambered)

Vertebrates are divided into five classes namely Pisces, Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves and Mammalia.

Warm blooded organisms : These are organisms which
maintain same body temperature irrespective of outside
temperature. Example : Humans. Human’s body temperature
is approximately 37º.

Cold blooded organisms : These are organisms which change
their body temperature as per surrounding temperature.

Example : Frog.

• Fishes are divided into two categories on the basis of
skeleton :

(i) Fishes with bony skeleton called bony fishes. Example : Tuna.

(ii) Fishes with cartilage skeleton called cartilaginous fishes.
Example : Shark.

(i) Pisces (Fishes)

• They are fishes living in water.
• Their skin is covered with scales or plates.
• They respire using gills.
• They have streamlined body and fins which help them to move in water.
• They are cold blooded and their heart has only two chambers.
• They lay eggs from which the young ones hatch out.
Some fishes have skeleton made of cartilage like Sharks, Rays etc. and some have skeleton made of bones and cartilage like Tuna, Rohu etc.

Pisces (Fishes)

(ii) Amphibia (Amphibians)

• They are found in land and water.
• They do not have scales but have mucous glands on their skin.
• They are cold blooded and the heart is three chambered.

• Respiration is through gills or lungs. They lay eggs in water.

Example : Frogs, Toads, Salamanders etc.

(iii) Reptilia (Reptiles)

• They have scales and breathe through lungs.
• They are cold blooded.
• Most of them have three chambered heart but crocodiles have four
chambered heart.
• They lay eggs with hard covering in water.

Example : Snakes, Turtles, Lizards, Crocodiles etc.

(iv) Aves (Birds)
• They are warm blooded animals.
• They have four chambered heart.
• They breathe through lungs.
• They have an outer covering of feathers.
• Their two fore limbs are modified into wings for flying. They lay eggs.

Example : Crow, Sparrow, Pigeon, Duck, Stork, Ostrich etc.


(v) Mammalia (Mammals)

• They are warm blooded animals.
• They have four chambered heart.
• They have mammary glands for production of milk to nourish their young ones.
• The skin has hairs and sweat glands. Most of them give birth to their young ones.
• Some of them lay eggs (like Platypus and Echidna).

Example : Cat, Rat, Dog, Lion, Tiger, Whale, Bat, Humans etc.

Mammalia 1

Mammalia 2

Online Questions on NCERT Chapter = 7 (DIVERSITY IN LIVING ORGANISMS) 9th class

Practice Questions on NCERT  Chapter =  7 (DIVERSITY IN LIVING ORGANISMS)These are Online Practice Questions on NCERT  Chapter =  7 (DIVERSITY IN LIVING ORGANISMS)  for preparation of CBSE BOARD Examination, NTSE etc.



1. Define biodiversity.
2. Who wrote the book ‘Origin of Species’.
3. What do you mean by primitive organism and advanced organism ?

4. Who is known as the father of taxonomy ?
5. Collect the range of variation that you see around you.
6. Whittaker’s five kingdom classification in detail. The basis of five kingdom classification.

7. Write the correct sequence of five kingdom classification.
8. Write the examples of Archaebacteria and Eubacteria.

9. What are resting spore and heterocyst ?


1. What is thallus ?
2. Why bryophytes are called amphibians of plant kingdom ?

3. Write the difference between cryptogams and phanerogams.

4. List the difference between monocots and dicots.
5. List the number of phyla that come under animal kingdom.
6. Use the same tips to study the animal kingdom.

7. Explain all the important characteristics of the given phyla :
(a) Platihelminthes
(b) Coelenterates
(c) Annelida


1. Give two examples belonging to members of nematode.
2. What is the cause of elephantiasis ?
3. What is the most striking feature of phylum arthropoda ?

4. List the difference between annelids and arthropods.
5. What is notochord and describe its function.
6. Give two examples from phylum protochordata.

7. Bats and whales are classified as mammals. Why ?

8. Circulatory system found in the phylum molusca ?

Notes on NCERT Chapter = 7 (DIVERSITY IN LIVING ORGANISMS) Part 3 => 9th class

Chapter =   7 (DIVERSITY IN LIVING ORGANISMS) Part 3 of 9th classThis is Online Notes on NCERT Chapter =   7 (DIVERSITY IN LIVING ORGANISMS) Part 3 of 9th class for preparation of CBSE BOARD Examination, NTSE etc.

Five Kingdom Classification R. H. Whittaker taxonomist was the first one to propose five kingdom classification. 

Five Kingdom Classification

R. H. Whittaker taxonomist

Kingdom V : ANIMALIA

Basis of classification of Animalia kingdom :

(i) Symmetry :

(a) Bilateral symmetry : It is when an organism can be divided into right and left halves, identical but mirror images, by a single vertical plane.

(b) Radial symmetry : It is when an organism is equally spaced around a central point, like spokes on a bicycle wheel.

(ii) Germ layers : In embryonic stages there are different layers of cells called germ cells. The three different types of germ cells are :

• Ectoderm : It is the outermost layer which forms nail, hair,
epidermis, etc.

• Endoderm : It is the innermost layer which forms stomach, colon, urinary, bladder, etc.

• Mesoderm : It is the middle layer between ectoderm and endoderm which forms bones, cartilage, etc. 
So, according to the number of germ layers present in embryonic stage, animal could be :

• Diploblastic : Organisms which are derived from two embryonic
germ layers (ecto and endo).

• Triploblastic : Organisms which are derived from all the three
embryonic germ layers.

(iii) Coelom : Body cavity or coelom is important for proper functioning of various organs. 
For example, heart which has to contract and expand needs some cavity or empty space, which is provided by the coelom.

On the basis of presence or absence of coelom, organisms are divided into :

• Acoelomates : These are the simple organisms having no body

• Coelomates : These are complex organisms having true cavity lined by mesoderm from all sides. 
These are further sub-divided into schizocoelomates or protostomes (coelom formed due to splitting or mesoderm) and enterocoelomates or dueterostomes (coelom formed from pouches pinched off from endoderm).

• Pseudo coelamate : These are organisms having false coelom. They have pouches of mesoderm scattered between endoderm and ectoderm.

(iv) Notochord : It is a long rod like structure, which runs along the body between nervous tissues and gut and provides place muscle to attach for ease of movement.

Organisms could be :

• without notochord

• with notochord

• with notochord in initial embryonic stages and vertebral column in adult phase

Phylum 1 : Porifera or Sponges

(i) Cellular level of organization

(ii) Non-motile animals

(iii) Holes on body which led to a canal system for circulation of water and food

(iv) Hard outside layer called as skeletons

(v) Examples : Sycon, spongilla, euplectelia

Phylum 2 : Coelenterata

(i) Tissue level of organization

(ii) No coelom

(iii) Radial symmetry, diploblastic

(iv) Hollow gut

(v) Can move from one place to another

(vi) Examples : Hydra, sea anemone, jelly fish (solitary), corals (colonies)


Phylum 3 : Platyhelminthes:

(i) Also called flat worms

(ii) No coelom present

(iii) Bilateral symmetry, triploblastic

(iv) Free living or parasite

(v) Digestive cavity has one opening for both ingestion and egestion

(vi) Examples : Planaria (free living), liver fluke (parasitic)


Phylum 4 : Mollusca

(i) Coelom present

(ii) Triploblastic, bilateral symmetry

(iii) Soft bodies sometimes covered with shell

(iv) Generally not segmented

(v) No appendages present

(vi) Muscular foot for movement

(vii) Shell is present

(viii) Kidney like organ for excretion

(ix) Examples : Chiton, octopus, pila, unio

Phylum 5 : Annelida

(i) Second largest phylum

(ii) Coelom present

(iii) Bilateral, triploblastic

(iv) Segmented (segments specialized for different functions)

(v) Water or land

(vi) Extensive organ differentiation

(vii) Examples : Earthworm, leech, nereis.

Phylum 6 : Arthropoda

(i) Largest phylum (consist of 80% of species)

(ii) Generally known as insects

(iii) Coelom present

(iv) Bilateral, triploblastic

(v) Segmented, sometimes fused

(vi) Tough exo-skeleton of chitin

(vii) Joing appendages like feet, antenna

(viii) Examples : Prawn, scorpio, cockroach, housefly, butterfly, spider

Phylum 7 : Echinodermata

(i) Spiny skin, marine

(ii) No notochord

(iii) Coelom present, bilateral symmetry, triploblastic

(iv) Endoskeleton of calcium carbonate

(v) Water vascular system for locomotion

(vi) Bilateral symmetry before birth and radial symmetry after birth

(vii) Examples : Antedon, sea cucumber, star fish, echinus

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Notes on NCERT Chapter = 7 (DIVERSITY IN LIVING ORGANISMS) Part 2 => 9th class

This is Online Notes on NCERT  Chapter =   7 (DIVERSITY IN LIVING ORGANISMS) Part 2 of 9th class for preparation of CBSE BOARD Examination, NTSE etc.

Kingdom IV : PLANTAE

(i) Eukaryotic, multicellular.
(ii) Autotrophs.
(iii) Cell wall present.

Basis of division in Kingdom Plantae:

(a) Differentiated body parts : Body is differentiated into leaves,
stems, roots, flowers, etc.

(b) Presence of vascular tissue : There are two types of vascular tissues present in the plants :

• Xylem : Helps in transport of water.
• Phloem : Helps in transport of food.

(c) Reproduction through seeds or spores :

• Phanerogamae : Plants with seeds are called phanerogamae.
They contains embryo with stored food and are multicellular.

• Cryotogamae : Plants with spores are called cryptogamae.
They contains only naked embryo and are generally unicellular.

(d) Seeds are inside the fruit or naked :

• Angiospermae : These are plants with seeds inside the fruit
and bears flowers. 

• Gymnospermae : These are plants with naked seeds and do
not bear flowers.

Division 1 : Thallophyta:

(i) Basic and elementary plants with undifferentiated body parts.
(ii) Generally called algae.
(iii) No vascular tissue present.
(iv) Reproduce through spores.
(v) Mainly found in water.
(vi) Example : Ulva, Spirogyra, Ulothrix, Cladophora, Chara.


Division 2 : Bryophyte

(i) Body structure differentiated but not fully developed.
(ii) No vascular tissues present.
(iii) Reproduce through spores.
(iv) Found on both land and water therefore known as ‘Amphibians of Plantae Kingdom’.
(v) Example : Liverwort (Marchantia, Riccia), Mosses (Funaria), Hornwort (Dendrocerous).


Division 3 : Pteridophyta

(i) Differentiated body structure – leaves, stems, roots, etc.
(ii) Vascular tissues present.
(iii) Reproduce through spores.
(iv) Examples : Marsilea, fern, horsetails.

Marsilea, fern

Division 4. Gymnosperms

(i) Differentiated body parts.
(ii) Vascular tissues.
(iii) Naked seeds without fruits or flowers.
(iv) Perennial, evergreen and woody.
(v) Examples : Pines (deodar), Cycus, Ginkgo

Pines (deodar), Cycus, Ginkgo.

Division 5 : Angiosperms

(i) Also known as flower-bearing plants.
(ii) Later on flower becomes fruit.
(iii) Seeds are inside the fruit.
(iv) Embryos in seeds have structure called cotyledons. They are also called seed leaves because in many plants they emerge and become green when they germinate.

Angiosperms are further divided on the basis of number of cotyledons into two
parts :

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