Sunday, March 29, 2020

Immunology Questions Online Test 5

Immunology MCQs part 5 These are MCQs on "Immunology" for Entrance examination like CBSE NEET etc
Immunology Questions Online Test
1. Reverse transcriptase is an enzyme involved in the synthesis of
  • DNA
  • Soluble RNA
  • m-RNA from DNA
  • Nucleotides

2. The cellular immune response is mediated by
  • B cells
  • T cell
  • BT cells
  • Endothelial cells

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Immunology Questions Online Test 4

Immunology MCQs part 5 These are MCQs on "Immunology" for Entrance examination like CBSE NEET etc
Immunology Questions Online Test
1. Monoclonal antibodies are produced by
  • Hybridoma technology
  • Biotechnology
  • Fermentation Technology
  • None of these

2. First line of body defence is
  • Antibody molecules
  • Unbroken skin
  • Antigen molecules
  • Phagocytic cells

Thursday, March 26, 2020

MCQs part 2 on Virology

Virus MCQs part 2 These are MCQs on "Virology" for Entrance examination like CBSE NEET etc
MCQs 2 on Virology
1. Epidemic pleurodynia and mycarditis are both caused by:
  • Group B Coxsackievirus
  • Polymavirus
  • RSV
  • Reovirus
  • CMV

2. All the following are acceptable specimens for the isolation enterovirus EXCEPT ONE:
  • Feces
  • CSF
  • Throat secretions
  • Urine
  • Skin lesion

MCQs part 1 on Virology

MCQs part 1 on Virology These are MCQs on "Virology" for Entrance examination like CBSE NEET etc
MCQs 1 on Virology
1. All the following viruses are transmitted by respiratory routes EXCEPT ONE:
  • Human papilloma virus
  • Rhinovirus
  • Adenovirus
  • Measles virus
  • VZV

2. All the following viruses are disseminated throughout the body EXCEPT ONE:
  • HIV
  • HBV
  • Rabies virus
  • Yellow fever virus
  • Human papilloma virus

Friday, October 12, 2018

This is NCERT Based

 Biology Online test of chapter 

= 5 (Fundamental Unit Of Life) 

for practicing of 

CBSE Examination of 9th 



TIME  :   1   Hour                                              MARKS  : 30

Q.1 Why is the cell called the structural and functional unit of life?                                                                                         2          

Q.2 why is the plasma membrane called a selectively permeable membrane?                                                                             2

Q.3 if the organization of a cell is destroyed due to some physical or chemical influence, what will happen? 

Q.4 why are lissome known as suicide bags?                                                                                                                                   2

Q.5 How is a prokaryotic cell different from a eukaryotic cell?                                                                                                       3

Q.6 which organelle is known as the powerhouse of the cell? Why?                                                                                         3

Q.7 how does an Amoeba obtain its food? Draw Diagram.                                                                                                               3

Q.8 what is osmosis?  What are its types? Explain.                                                                                                                           3

Q.9 what would happen if the plasma membrane ruptures or breaks down?                                                                           2

Q.10 Write differences between Plasma Membrane and Cell Wall.                                                                                          2                                                                                                        

Q.11  Name the two Nucleic Acids present in the cell. What are their  functions?                                                                       3                                           

Q.12 Draw Diagram of a Plant Cell and Label it.                                                                                                                                               3                                                                                  

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Online NCERT Notes on Chapter=7 (Control and Coordination) Part 2

This is Online NCERT Notes on Chapter=7 (Control and Coordination)  Part 2 for preparation of CBSE BOARD Examination, NTSE etc.


Movements in plants :

(i) Independent of growth

(ii) Dependent on growth

(i) Independent of growth : Immediate response to stimulus.

• Plants use electrical-chemical means to convey information from cell to cell.

• For movement to happen, cells change their shape by changing the amount of water in them, resulting in swelling or shrinking of cells.

E.g., Drooping of leaves of ‘Touch-me-not’ plant on touching it.

(ii) Dependent on growth : These movements are tropic movements i.e., directional movements in response to stimulus.

• Tendrils : The part of tendril away from the object grows more rapidly as compared to the part near the object. This causes circulating of tendril around the object.

• Phototropism : Movement towards light.

• Geotropism : Movement towards/away from gravity.

• Chemotropism : Growth of pollen tube towards ovule.

• Hydrotropism : Movement towards water.

Plant Hormones : Are chemical compounds which help to coordinate growth, development and responses to the environment.
Main plant hormones are :

(a) Auxin :

• Synthesized at shoot tip

• Helps the cells to grow longer

• Involved in phototropism

(b) Gibberellin :

• Helps in the growth of the stem

(c) Cytokinins :

• Promotes cell division

• Present in greater concentration in fruits and seeds

(d) Abscisic Acid : 

• Inhibits growth

• Cause wilting of leaves

• Stress hormone

Hormones in Animals :

Hormones : Hormones are the chemical substances which coordinate the activities of living organisms and also their growth.

Endocrine glands : These glands secrete their product (hormone) into the blood. Endocrine Gland, Hormones and their Functions

Endocrine Gland, Hormones and their Functions

Endocrine Gland,
Endocrine Gland,

Endocrine glands

Iodised salt is necessary because iodine mineral is essential part of thyroxine hormone secreted by thyroid gland.

Thyroxine regulates metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

So, we must consume iodised salt which is necessary for proper working of thyroid gland. It’s deficiency causes a disease called goiter (Swollen neck).


Disease in which blood sugar level increase.

Cause : Due to the deficiency of insulin hormone secreted by pancreas that is responsible to control blood sugar levels.

Treatment : Injections of insulin hormone.

Feedback Mechanism:

The excess or deficiency of hormones has a harmful effect on our body.
Feedback mechanism makes sure that hormones should be secreted in precise quantity and at right time.

E.g., Feedback mechanism to control the sugar level in blood is as follows :
Sugar level in the blood rises.
Feedback Mechanism

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