=> The understanding of genetics
has advanced remarkably
the last thirty
years. In 1972,
Paul Berg made the
recombinant DNA molecule
using ligase.
=> In that
same year, Stanley
Cohen, Annie Chang
Herbert Boyer produced the first
recombinant DNA organism.
=> In 1973, two important things
happened in the field of
1. Joseph Sambrook led a team that refined DNA
using agarose gel, and
2. Herbert Boyer
and Stanely Cohen invented DNA cloning.
By 1977, a method for sequencing DNA was discovered and
the first genetic engineering company, Genetech
was founded.
=> During 1981, 579
human genes had
been mapped and
mapping by in situ hybridization had become a
method. Marvin Carruthers and Leory Hood made a huge leap
in bioinformatics when they
invented a method
automated DNA sequencing.
=> In 1988, the Human Genome Organization (HUGO) was
founded. This is an international organization of scientists
involved in Human Genome Project.
In 1989, the
complete genome
map was published
of the
bacteria Haemophilus
=> The following
year, the Human Genome Project was started.
In 1991, a total of
1879 human genes had been
=> In 1993,
Genethon, a human
genome research center
in France produced roduced a
physical map of the
human genome.
=> Three years
later, Genethon published the final version
the Human Genetic
Map which concluded
the end of
first phase of
the Human Genome Project.
=> Bioinformatics
was fuelled by the need to create huge
databases, such as GenBank and EMBL and DNA Database of
Japan to store and compare the DNA sequence data
erupting from the human genome and other
sequencing projects.
=> Today, bioinformatics embraces protein
structure analysis,
gene and protein functional
information, data from patients,
pre-clinical and clinical trials, and the
metabolic pathways of
numerous species.
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