Importance of “BIOINFORMATICS”
Here, Find Some important points on "What is the importance of Bioinformatics in Today Time" to know Bioinformatics in Better ways.
=> The greatest challenge facing the
molecular biology community today is to
make sense of the wealth of data that has
been produced by the genome sequencing projects.
=> Cells
have a central core called nucleus, which is storehouse of an important molecule known as DNA. They are packaged in units known as chromosomes.
They are together known as the genome.
=> Genes are specific regions of the genomes (about 1%)
spread throughout the
genome sometimes contiguous,
many times non-contiguous.
=> RNAs similarly contains informations, their major purpose is to copy information from
DNA selectively and to
bring it out of the
nucleus for its use.
=> Proteins are
made of amino acids, which are twenty in count
(researchers are debating on increasing
this count, as couple of new ones are claimed to be identified).
=> The gene regions of the DNA in the
nucleus of the cell is copied (transcribed) into the RNA and RNA travels to protein
production sites and is translated into proteins is the "Central Dogma of
Molecular Biology".
=> Portions of DNA
Sequence are transcribed into
RNA. The first step of
a cell is to copy a
particular portion of its DNA
nucleotide sequence (i.e. gene) which is shown in Figure Below.
=> Bioinformatics, being
an interface between
modern biology and
informatics it involves discovery, development and
implementation of
computational algorithms and software tools that facilitate an understanding
of the biological processes (See in Figure Below)
with the goal
to serve primarily agriculture and healthcare
sectors with several spinoffs.
=> In
a developing country
like India, bioinformatics has a
key role to play in
areas like agriculture where it can
be used for increasing the nutritional content,
increasing the volume of
the agricultural produce
and implanting disease resistance etc.
=> In the
pharmaceutical sector, it can be used to reduce the time and
cost involved in drug discovery process particularly for
third world diseases, to custom design drugs and to develop
personalized medicine.
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Fig "Information on Sequence Data"
=> Traditionally, molecular
biology research was carried
out entirely at the
experimental laboratory bench but the huge increase
in the scale of data being produced in this genomic era has seen a need to incorporate
computers into this
research process. Sequence generation,
its subsequent storage, interpretation and analysis are entirely computer dependent tasks.
=> However, the molecular biology of an organism is a very
complex issue with research being carried out
at molecular level.
=> The
first challenge
facing the bioinformatics community today is the
intelligent and efficient storage of
this massive data.
=> Moreover, it is essential to provide easy and reliable access
to this data. The data itself
is meaningless before analysis
and it is impossible for even a
trained biologist to begin to interpret
it manually.
=> Therefore,
automated computer tools
must be developed
to allow the
of meaningful biological
=> There are three central biological processes around which bioinformatics tools must be developed:
DNA sequence
which determines protein sequence
Protein sequence
which determines protein structure
=> Protein structure which determines
protein function
Fig."Hypothesis-generating bioinformatics"