Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter K

Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter K
Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter K
These Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter - K. It can boost vocabulary in bioinformatics. It can also enhance basic knowledge of Bioinformatics.

1. What is "kb"?
    Kb - It is kilobase, 1,000 base pairs of DNA sequence.

2. What is "KEGG, Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes"?

    KEGG, Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes - It is a worldfamous Japanese database on genomes and biochemical pathways.

Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter L

Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter L
Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter L

These Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter - L. It can boost vocabulary in bioinformatics. It can also enhance basic knowledge of Bioinformatics.

1. What is "LAN"?

    LAN - It is a local area network, two or more computers connected together via cabling.

2. What is "Lateral transfer"?

    Lateral transfer - It is a see Horizontal transfer, a gene acquired from another organism as opposed to inheriting it from an ancestor.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter J

Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter A
Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter J

These Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter - J can boost vocabulary in bioinformatics. It can also enhance basic knowledge of Bioinformatics.

1. What is "Jalview"?

    Jalview - It is a popular tool for editing and analyzing multiple sequence alignments.

2. What is "Java applet"?

    Java applet - It is a small piece of software that your browser installs automatically and that runs on your computer.

Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter I

Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter A
Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter I
These Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter - I can boost vocabulary in bioinformatics. It can also enhance basic knowledge of Bioinformatics.

1. What is "Identity"?
    Identity - It is a percentage of identical amino acids or nucleotides in the alignment of two sequences. Usually the identity is measured on the aligned residues with gaps ignored.

2. What is "Illumina"?

    Illumina - It is a company located in San Diego, CA that provides sequencing platforms such as MiSeq, HiSeq, HiSeq2500, NextSeq and GA II.

Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter H

Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter H
Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter H
These Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter - H can boost vocabulary in bioinformatics. It can also enhance basic knowledge of Bioinformatics.

1. What is "Halotype"?
    Haplotype - It is a collection of alleles in one individual that are located on one chromosome. Alleles within a haplotype are often inherited as a single unit from one generation to the next. In SNP studies, haplotypes refer to a group of genomic variations found repeatedly in many individuals within a population.

2. What is "Heat Map"?

    Heat map - It is a graphical representation of data where the individual values contained in a matrix are represented as colors.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter G

Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter G
Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter G

These Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter - G. It can boost vocabulary in bioinformatics. It can also enhance basic knowledge of Bioinformatics.

1. What is "GA II Illumina sequencing platform"?

    GA II Illumina sequencing platform that generates 40 Mb sequence per run with paired read lengths of 70 bp.

2. What is "Gap"?

    Gap - It is in sequencing a segment of DNA that has not been sequenced but is flanked by sequenced DNA. Also used as a synonym for insertion or deletion in sequence alignment.

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