Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter H

Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter H
Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter H
These Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter - H can boost vocabulary in bioinformatics. It can also enhance basic knowledge of Bioinformatics.

1. What is "Halotype"?
    Haplotype - It is a collection of alleles in one individual that are located on one chromosome. Alleles within a haplotype are often inherited as a single unit from one generation to the next. In SNP studies, haplotypes refer to a group of genomic variations found repeatedly in many individuals within a population.

2. What is "Heat Map"?

    Heat map - It is a graphical representation of data where the individual values contained in a matrix are represented as colors.

3. What is "Hierarchical clustering"?

    Hierarchical clustering - It is a method for organizing large numbers of genes, tumors or other objects into dendrograms.

4. What is "High-throughput"?

    High-throughput - These are methods that produce large volumes of data and can process many samples quickly. Robots and computerized data collection are common themes in high-throughput methods.

5. What is "HiSeq Illumina"?

    HiSeq Illumina - It is a sequencing platform that generates 120 Gb sequence per run with paired read lengths of 125 bp.

6. What is "HiSeq2500 Illumina"?

    HiSeq2500 Illumina - It is a sequencing platform that generates 1,000 Gb sequence per run with paired read lengths of 125 bp.

7. What is "Hits"?

    Hits - It is a shorthand for sequences returned when searching a database such as NCBI.

8. What is "HMM"?

    HMM It is a Hidden Markov Model, a mathematical formulation of a succession of hidden, mutually exclusive properties (such as intron or exon) associated with one sequence or a multiple sequence alignment. In the context of proteins HMM is used interchangeably with the words ‘motifs’ or ‘profiles’. In the context of DNA, HMMs are used to predict the location and structure of genes.

9. What is "Homolog/homology"?

    Homolog/homology – These are two sequences (DNA or amino acid) that are similar due to evolutionary relatedness.

10. What is "Horizontal transfer"?

    Horizontal transfer - It is the movement of DNA from one species to another without sexual transmission; mechanism uncertain.

Basic Terms in Bioinformatics=>

A.. B.. C.. D.. E.. F..
G.. H.. I..

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