Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter R

Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter R
Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter R

These Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter - R. It can boost vocabulary in bioinformatics. It can also enhance basic knowledge of Bioinformatics.

1. What is " Real time PCR (RT-PCR)"?

    Real time PCR (RT-PCR) - It is a molecular method that is sometimes confused with reverse transcriptase PCR. Real time PCR uses the specificity of PCR to measure the number of template molecules in your starting material.

2. What is "Reductionist"?

    Reductionist - It is a person who dissects a complex system into increasingly smaller parts in order to understand it.

Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter Q

Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter Q
Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter Q

These Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter - Q. It can boost vocabulary in bioinformatics. It can also enhance basic knowledge of Bioinformatics.

1. What is "Query"?

    Query - It is the sequence used to scan a database for sequence similarity.

2. What is "qPCR"?

    qPCR - It is a quantitative PCR, synonym for real-time PCR.

Basic Terms in Bioinformatics=>

A.. B.. C.. D.. | E.. F.. G.. H..| I.. J.. K.. L..| M..

Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter P

Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter P
Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter P
These Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter - P. It can boost vocabulary in bioinformatics. It can also enhance basic knowledge of Bioinformatics.

1. What is "PacBio RSII"?
    PacBio RSII - It is a sequencing platform available through Pacific Biosciences in Menlo Park, CA that generates 250 Mb sequence per run with an average read length of 4,500 bp.

2. What is "Pairwise alignment"?

    Pairwise alignment - It is a alignment of two sequences.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter O

Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter O
Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter O
These Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter - O. It can boost vocabulary in bioinformatics. It can also enhance basic knowledge of Bioinformatics.

1. What is "Offline"?
    Offline - It describes actions or tasks performed when not connected to another computer via a network.

2. What is "Oligonucleotide (oligos)"?

    Oligonucleotide (oligos) - It is ssDNA polymers of unspecified length. The oligo sequence is determined by the investigator and synthesized in vitro.
    Oligos are used to probe blots, prime sequencing reactions, and PCR, as well as for spotting on DNA microarrays.

Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter N

Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter N
Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter N

These Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter - N. It can boost vocabulary in bioinformatics. It can also enhance basic knowledge of Bioinformatics.

1. What is "NCBI"?

    NCBI - It is National Center for Biotechnology Information a federally funded part of the U.S. National Library of Medicine. NCBI is the home of GenBank, BLAST, COG, and many other genomic databases and computational tools.

2. What is "Neighbor joining(NJ)"?

    Neighbor joining, NJ - It is the most popular method for reconstructing phylogenetic trees.

Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter M

Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter M
Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter M
These Basic Bioinformatics Terms on letter - M. It can boost vocabulary in bioinformatics. It can also enhance basic knowledge of Bioinformatics.

1. What is "Macroarrays/Microarrays "?
    Microarrays are small spots of DNA or protein and the identity of the spotted material is known.
    Macroarrays are bacterial, yeast or similar colonies on plates used to determine functional consequences of genomic manipulations.

2. What is "Mass spectrometry"?

    Mass spectrometry, MS is a technique that allows investigators to separate proteins based on their mass to charge ration (m/z).
    The m/z for each protein allows them to be identified and quantified from complex mixtures.
    This proteomics tool is often used in pairs and called tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS).
    Protein samples are first ionized then inserted into MS/MS by either laser-based methods (MALDI, SELDI) or an electrospray method (ESI).

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